
Centre for Attention Studies at MAD//Fest
5-7 July 2022

A group of colleagues from the Centre for Attention Studies presented at the Marketing and Advertisers industry festival ( to take the Centre’s thinking on attention out to those who work in the attention economy. The panel comprised: Marion Thain (King’s College London), Edmund Sonuga-Barke (King’s College London), Kate Devlin (King’s College London), Julia Bell (Birkbeck College), and Bobby Duffy (King’s College London). D. Graham Burnett (Princeton University) joined from the US through a pre-prepared video in which he talks about the work of the non-profit Friends of Attention collective, which recently published Twelve Theses on Attention; we’re delighted to be able to share this here:

ATTENTION in the Digital World
10 June 2021, 14:00 am–16:30 pm (London Time)

A group of eminent invited speakers has presented brief position papers of around 10 minutes examining attention in the digital world and how attention has been impacted by and indeed itself has impacted the digital revolution. What are the challenges and opportunities for attention in the digital world?

Following the presentations, there was a 20-minute roundtable session in which the speakers drew out cross disciplinary synergies and questions of shared interest. The rest of the event was devoted to a Q and A discussion with the audience.

The event was intended to be relatively informal and discursive, bringing together a conversation across the disciplines at the Centre for Attention Studies to help us surface some of the key issues for attention in the digital world.


  • Michael Posner, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of Oregon, US.    
  • Lorraine Daston, Director Emerita, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany.  
  • D. Graham Burnett, Professor of History, Department of History, Princeton University, US. 

• Introduction to the Symposium by Marion Thain – 0:00-05:25
• Position Papers by Michael Posner – 05:25-25:50, Lorraine Daston – 25.50-42:19, D.Graham Burnett – 42:19-1:11.

Attention Studies at King’s – Internal Symposium
5 February 2021, 10.00 am-12.15pm (London Time)

Aims of the symposium:

  • Introduce the Attention Studies Initiative
  • Explore and map the expertise at King’s College
  • Start to create a taxonomy of the field of Attention Studies
  • Map existing connections with external partners (HEI and non-HEI) 


  1. Introduction by the project team
  2. Discussion and mapping exercises in smaller multidisciplinary groups (breakout rooms) with members of the project team
  3. Feedback within the plenary setting